With the strategic re-orientation of KCH Keramchemie, at the focus of which was acid resistance, the ceramic activities were discontinued on Dec. 31, 1991. At the same time, the founders of today’s systemceram, Gerhard Göbel, Manfred Engel and Peter Noll acquired the cast ceramics unit as part of a management buy-out, making it into an owner-managed family business out of a group-managed company division. This ensured that technological knowhow was able to be continued to be used, expanded and refined.
Medium-sized batches on the one hand and the manufacture of resistant products subject to extreme strain on the other hand- the modern production facilities are geared toward the manufacture of ceramics specialties and not toward mass-produced goods. The production flexibility derived from this has made systemceram the contact point for special solutions and for this reason, we are able to show several renowned bathroom equipment suppliers in our customer portfolio.
Production Areas
However, we mainly produce sinks and worktops for the modern fitted kitchen under the name of KeraDomo kitchen ceramics on the basis of a high material quality. The manufacturing and sale of bathroom ceramics was added on to this area over the past several years. In the area of KeraLab laboratory ceramics we exclusively produce fine stoneware, i.e. basins and worktops which need to meet high standards and comply with the applicable norms for laboratory equipment.
Acclaimed Design and Quality
Acclaimed design in shape and color and the possibility of worktop design through cutting-edge process engineering makes us an esteemed partner in the fitted kitchen market and in laboratory construction. In this context, our products require good planning and customer advice. That is why fitted kitchen retailers and the laboratory construction industry are among our sales partners.